Friday 26th of April 2024

Smart dynamic software components enabling decision support in Machine-to-machine networks

Alexander Dannies, Javier Palafox-Albarrán, Walter Lang and Reiner Jedermann

The future Internet of Things will be extended by machine-to-machine communication technologies in order to include sensor information. The overwhelming amount of data will require autonomous decision making processes which are directly executed at the location where data is generated or measured. An intelligent sensor system needs to be able to adapt to new parameters in its surrounding unknown at the time of deployment. In our paper we show that Java enables software updates on mobile devices and also that it is possible to run algorithms required for decision making processes on wireless sensor platforms based on Java.

Keywords: Machine-to-Machine communication, Internet of Things, autonomous logistics, Java, dynamic updates, OSGi.

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Alexander Dannies
Alexander Dannies received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with specialisation in microelectronics / micro system technology from the University of Bremen in 2010. Since February 2011 he is a research associate of the Institute for Microsensors, -actors and –systems at the University of Bremen. There he is currently involved in the project “Intelligent container” and is researching the topic “Data interpretation in sensor networks”.

Javier Palafox-Albarrán
Javier Palafox-Albarran has a Master of Science degree in information and automation engineering from the University of Bremen. Previously he has earned several years of industry experience working in industrial Automation. Currently he is pursuing a PhD in the Institute for Microsensors, -actuators and –systems (IMSAS). His research topic is on the analysis and prediction of sensor and quality data in food transportation supervision. He is also a member of the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics.

Walter Lang
Walter Lang studied physics at Munich University and received his Diploma in 1982 on Raman spectroscopy of crystals with low symmetry. His Ph.D. in engineering at Munich Technical University was on flame-induced vibrations. Science 2003 he is the head of the Institute for Microsensors, -actors and –systems at the University of Bremen. His research focus includes the manufacturing of miniaturized sensor components and the automated processing of sensor data.

Reiner Jedermann
Reiner Jedermann finished his Diploma in Electrical Engi¬neering 1990 at the University of Bremen. After two employments on embedded processing of speech and audio signals, he became in 2004 a research associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Bremen. He finished his Ph.D. thesis on automated systems for freight supervision end of 2009. His current research focus is the analyses of spatial temperature profiles and the implementation of automated decision tools for container supervision.

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