Friday 26th of April 2024

Secure Internet Voting System based on Public Key Kerberos

Hussein Khalid Abd-Alrazzq, Mohammed Salah Ibrahim and Omer Abdulrahman Dawood

Electronic voting system is an important tool which allows voters to vote over the Internet without the geographical restrictions with considers important criteria in evaluating electronic voting schemes such as the mobility, democracy, and privacy. In this paper secure remote voting system has been presented. The proposed system uses public key Kerberos which is another form of traditional Kerberos as infrastructure deal with voters. The public key is used in all steps of Kerberos (not only in initial). The proposed system utilizes the advantages of threshold cryptography to prevent anyone to decrypt or sign the ballot alone without agreement all authorities, and use threshold blind signature to prevent discovers the vote or the identity of voter and protect the content of the ballot during casting and provide verifiable and discourages ballot buying.

Keywords: Internet Voting System, Kerberos, Elliptic Curve, Blind Signature, Threshold Cryptography.

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Hussein Khalid Abd-Alrazzq
Hussein Khalid Abd-Alrazzaq was born in Basra, Iraq (1986), now live in Ramadi, Anbar. He obtained B.Sc. (2008), M.Sc. (2011) in Computer Science from the College of Computer, Anbar University. He is teaching staff member in Public of Administration Department in College of Administration and Economic, Anbar University. His research interests data and network security, cryptography.

Mohammed Salah Ibrahim
Mohammed Salah Ibrahim was born in Anbar, Iraq (1985), now live in Fallujah, Anbar. Complete study of secondary school in Fallujah (2005). He obtained B.Sc. (2008), M.Sc. (2011) in Computer Science from the College of Computer, Anbar University. Mohamed worked as an administrator in the Department of calculating in Al-SafaCo. to oversee the reconstruction work in Fallujah (2007), and worked with Afaq Co. as accountant (2010). Now, He is teaching staff member in Computer Science Department in College of Computer, Anbar University.

Omer Abdulrahman Dawood
Omer Abdulrahman Dawood was born in Habanyah, Anbar, Iraq (1986), now live in Ramadi, Anbar. He obtained B.Sc. (2008), M.Sc. (2011) in Computer Science from the College of Computer, Anbar University. He is teaching staff member in English Department in College of Education and humanities sciences, Anbar University. His research interests data and network security, cryptography.

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