Friday 26th of April 2024

Modified TCP Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Hesham Abusaimeh and Mohammad Shkoukani

The transport layers protocols have been used in the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in order to achieve data reliability. However, the limitations of the WSNs did not usually considered when implementing these protocols in the stack of the sensor nodes. In this paper, the TCP protocol has been modified in order to use it with the unique characteristics of the WSNs. The TCP is connection-oriented protocol, which may cause extra overhead, but it will reduce the number of redundant packets. This will also cause increasing the lifetime. In addition, that applying the TCP protocol in the WSN will make it reachable from the traditional wire or wireless network without gateway or connector. Our proposed stack model has achieved better simulation result that the traditional sensor node stacks in term of throughput, packets loss ratio, and network lifetime.

Keywords: TCP, Wireless Sensor Networks, Transport Layer, ZigBee Stack, Network Lifetime, Network Throughput.

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Hesham Abusaimeh
Hesham Abusaimeh received his B.Sc. degree from Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan in 2003, and M.Sc. degree from New York Institute of Technology in 2004, both in computer His Ph.D. degree in computer science in the field of wireless sensor networks communication and routing protocols from Loughborough University, UK in 2009. His research interests include Network and Controls, Routing Protocols, Network Lifetime and Consumption Energy, wireless sensor networks, and web applications security.

Mohammad Shkoukani
Mohammad Shkoukani received his B.Sc. degree from Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan in 2002, M.Sc. and PHD degrees from The Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Amman, Jordan, in 2004, and 2009 respectively, all in Computer Information Systems. His research interests include Agent Oriented Software Engineering, System Analysis and Design, and Electronic Commerce Applications.

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