Thursday 25th of April 2024

Mingling Multipath Routing With Quality Of Service

Dr. Shuchita Upadhyaya and Gaytri Devi

The QoS issue in the Internet have become essential for the successful transmission of multimedia applications . The basic problem of QoS routing is to find a path satisfying multiple constraints. It is concerned with identifying the path that will consider multiple parameters like bandwidth, delay, cost, hopcount etc. instead of one .To provide user- or application-level Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee Multipath routing strategy can be used for the transmission of QoS sensitive traffic over the network. Multipath routing means using multiple paths instead of using single path to forward the traffic.If multiple paths are being used for the transmission of the traffic then the traffic will be redirected to the back up path if active path fails. In this way robustness can be achieved. On the other hand load balancing for communication network to avoid network congestion optimize network throughput also requires multi paths to distribute flows . Robustness load balancing are aspects of QoS routing . So multipath can be proved very valuable for Quality of service. This paper investigates the approaches of mingling Multipath Quality of service. The approaches considered are based on Dijkstra algorithm, Bellman ford algorithm, Resource reservation MPLS.

Keywords: Multipath routing, Multiple paths, Single shortest path, Quality of Service

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Dr. Shuchita Upadhyaya
Dr. Shuchita Upadhyaya is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and applications in Kurukshetra University, India. She is Ph.D. in Computer Science and application. Her area Of specialization is Computer Network .She has published more than 45 research papers in various national and international Journals. She is having 23 years of teaching and research experience

Gaytri Devi
Gaytri Dhingra is an assistant professor in GVM Institute of Technology and Management , Sonipat, India .She has done MCA , M.Phil. Now she is pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Applications from the department of Computer Science and applications, Kurukshetra University. She has published five research papers in various national & international journals. She is having more than 10 years of teaching experience

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