Friday 26th of April 2024

Improvement in Medium Access Control protocol based on new contention scheme for wireless ad hoc network

C.Ellammal and G.Sudha Sadasivam

In todays wireless networks, stations using the IEEE 802.11 standard contend for the channel using the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). Research has shown that DCF€™s performance degrades especially with the large number of stations. This becomes more concerning due to the increasing proliferation of wireless devices. In this paper, we present a Medium Access Control (MAC) scheme for wireless LANs and compare its performance to DCF . Our scheme, which attempts to resolve the contention in a constant number of slots (or constant time), is called CONSTI. The contention resolution happens over a predefined number of slots. In a slot, the stations probabilistically send a jam signal on the channel. The stations listening retire if they hear a jam signal. The others continue to the next slot. Over several slots, we aim to have one station remaining in the contention, which will then transmit its data. We find the optimal parameters of CONSTI and present an analysis on its performance.

Keywords: Access Protocol, Ad hoc network, Throughput, Medium access control.

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Ellammal C is a member of IEEE. She is a Research scholar in the Department of Electronics and Communication, Anna University, Coimbatore. She received her B.E Degree from Bharathiar University in 1999. She received her M.E and MBA Degrees from Anna University, Chennai and Bharathiar University in 2006 and 2010, respectively. Her research interests include Wireless network, Mobile computing and Adhoc Network.

G.Sudha Sadasivam
Dr.Sudha Sadasivam G is working as a professor in CSE Department of PSG College of Technology. She has 20 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest include distributed systems and software engineering. She has published 5 books and 20 papers in referred journals. She has coordinated two AICTE- RPS projects in the areas of distributed computing. She is the coordinator of PSG-Yahoo research in grid and cloud computing, Nokia research on Personalisation and Xurmo research in social networking.

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