Saturday 27th of April 2024

Dynamic Tracking Protocol for Maneuvering Targets in Sensor Network

Fathy Ahmed El-Sayed Aamer and Seham Ebrahim

Target tracking is one of the most important applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Energy efficiency is one of the most important design goals for target tracking. We propose and evaluate a distributed, energy-efficient, light-weight framework dynamic clustering algorithm for target localization and tracking in wireless sensor networks. Since radio communication is the most energy-consuming operation, this framework aims to reduce the number of messages and the number of message collisions, while providing refined accuracy. The tracking protocol is also adaptive to the target velocity to ensure high accuracy with minimum power consumption. We envision a hierarchical sensor network that is composed of a static backbone of sparsely placed high-capability sensors which will assume the role of a gateway upon triggered by certain signal events and moderately to densely populate low-end sensors whose function is to provide sensor information to their gateway upon request. A cluster is formed when the activation message is received from the gateway. All the active nodes send their data to the next predicted node. The last active node (source node SN) at certain hop count sends its data to the gateway. The election of reference node is based on the data received no overhead due election. Acoustic signal strength detected by the active nodes exceeds a pre-determined threshold introduce a back off time proportional to its value. This back off time reduces collision rates. Using NS2 and Matlab to introduce the accuracy of target location, total power consumption for different proposed protocols, the effect of changing frequency rate at different target speeds and the drop ratio for different protocols.

Keywords: Wireless sensor networks; target tracking; energy consumption; Reporting frequency

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Fathy Ahmed El-Sayed Aamer
computer network

Seham Ebrahim
computer network

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