Friday 26th of April 2024

Distributed Bandwidth Clustering Scheme for Node Cooperation in Intermittently Wireless Sensor Networks

B Shaji, K.L.Nisha and B.Chitra

A wireless sensor network consists of set of small set of sensor nodes which has restricted energy capacity to attain the effective data packet transmission. When the application requires high bandwidth for data transmission, then the consumption of energy might also be high, leads to the less efficiency in the lifetime of the network. To overcome the efficiency, data gathering takes place which leads to network overload. In order to address the packet collision while data aggregation in WSN, Chih-Kuang Lin, et. Al., presented a distributed and scalable scheduling technique with time slot assignment that alleviates huge data loss in sensor networks. The design of a virtual grid network minimizes the protocol intricacy and subsequently improves the scalability. But the cooperation among the nodes is less since it is based on the sensor nodes location awareness/coverage in WSN. To resolve the issue, in this work, a novel distributed bandwidth clustering scheme for wireless sensor networks is implemented, termed as NDBC. In NDBC, the cluster head is selected based on the ratio between the transmission rate and bandwidth of each sensor nodes in the wireless sensor networks. Based on the bandwidth and the transmission range of each nodes, the cooperation among the sensors are achieved based on grouping the nodes passes the data packet to the destination node. Experimental evaluation is done with the sensor nodes for better coverage in network environment against Distributed and Scalable Time Slot Allocation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks and its performance is evaluated with varied set of sensor nodes with measuring metrics such as bandwidth utilization, transmission rate and energy dissipation. Comparison evaluates that the proposed scheme provides 10-13% efficient in energy against the existing distributed and scalable scheduling technique.

Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, intermittent sensor nodes, bandwidth utilization, transmission rate, cooperation

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B Shaji
Mr.B.Shaji is currently working as Assosistae.Professor and Head of Information Technology Department of Marthandam College of Engineering and Technology. He Received his B.E Degree from VMKV Engineering College, Salem and PG Degree from SRM University, Chennai. Currently he is an research Scholar in Mahatma Gandhi University. His areas of interest include Wireless sensor networks , Image Processing etc.

Mrs K.L.Nisha is Currently Working as Assistant Professor in Arunachala College of Engineering for Women. she received her UG Degree from St.Josephs Engineering college , Chennai and PG Degree from PSG Coimbatore. Her area of intrest include Embedded systems , wireless networks etc

B.Chitra is Currently working as Assistant Professor in Udaya School of Engineering . she received her UG degree fro NI College of engineering and PG from st.Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering. Her area of intrest include image processing and networks.

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