Friday 26th of April 2024

An Efficient Encryption Algorithm for P2P Networks Robust Against Man-in-the-Middle Adversary

Roohallah Rastaghi

Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have become popular as a new paradigm for information exchange and are being used in many applications such as file sharing, distributed computing, video conference, VoIP, radio and TV broadcasting. This popularity comes with security implications and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. Especially duo to direct communication between two end nodes in P2P networks, these networks are potentially vulnerable to “Man-in-the-Middle” attacks. In this paper, we propose a new public-key cryptosystem for P2P networks that is robust against Man-in-the-Middle adversary. This cryptosystem is based on RSA and knapsack problems. Our precoding-based algorithm uses knapsack problem for performing permutation and padding random data to the message. We show that comparing to other proposed cryptosystems, our algorithm is more efficient and it is fully secure against an active adversary.

Keywords: P2P networks, Man-in-the-middle attack, RSA and knapsack problems, IND-CCA-2

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Roohallah Rastaghi
Roohallah Rastaghi has received his BSc degree in electrical engineering and MSc degrees in secure communication from the Aeronautical University of since and Technology, Iran in 2003 and 2010, respectively. His research interests include cryptology especially design and analyze of public key cryptography, Elliptic & Hyper Elliptic curve cryptography and network security.

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