Friday 26th of April 2024

A Chaos Based Blind Digital Image Watermarking in The Wavelet Transform Domain

An effective watermarking algorithm based on the chaotic maps and the discrete wavelet transform for gray scale images is proposed. In the algorithm, the chaotic maps are employed to generate a key space with the length of 1040 numbers to increase the degree of security. Additionally, the XOR operator has been replaced by the mutation process for embedding the images. This improved mutation operator has been used to encrypt the watermark logo. Additionally, the upgraded mapping method determines the location of, DWT, Discrete Wavelet Transform, coefficients where the watermark is embedded. To evaluate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed method, the effect of several attacks has been simulated on the hidden image. Simulation results indicate that the new algorithm can preserve the hidden information against geometric and non geometric attacks.

Keywords: Blind Digital Image Watermarking, Chaos, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Chaotic Map, Mutation Operation

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