Thursday 25th of April 2024

Using Image Processing Functions to Determine the Edges of the Dead Sea and Calculate the Declining Rate

Muaad Abu-Faraj and Nazeeh Ghatasheh

Satellite images provide the researchers with the ability to identify objects (such as roads, land use, elevation, waterways, etc.). Analyzing the satellite images of the Dead Sea in Jordan can help determining the edges of the Dead Sea and its declining rate. The analysis process can be done using evolving algorithms and software. This paper shows the outcome of applying three matlab image-processing functions on the Dead Sea images taken from Google Earth. The three functions are: threshold, edgebased and watershed segmentation. Determining the edge of the Dead Sea using image processing functions can be used to calculate, predict and forecast the declining rate of the Dead Sea. We also present a case study showing our analysis.

Keywords: Image Processing, Threshold, Edge-Based, Watershed, Segmentation

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Muaad Abu-Faraj
Mua’ad M. Abu-Faraj received the B.Eng. degree in Computer Engineering from Mu’tah University, Mu’tah, Jordan, in 2004, the M.Sc. degree in Computer and Network Engineering from Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, in 2005, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA, in 2012. He is, at present, assistant professor at the University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan. He is currently serving as reviewer for the IEEE Micro, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Journal of Supercomputing, and International Journal of Computers and Their Applications (IJCA). His research interests include computer architecture, reconfigurable hardware, image processing, cryptography, and wireless networking. Dr. Abu-Faraj is a member of the IEEE, ISCA (International Society of Computers and their Applications), and JEA (Jordan Engineers Association).

Nazeeh Ghatasheh
Nazeeh A. Ghatasheh received the B.Sc. degree in computer information systems from the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, in 2004, the Degree in Electronic Business Management and the Ph.D. Degree in Electronic Business from the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, in 2008 and 2011 respectively. He conducted research activities in the aerospace field related applications, information and communication technologies in the telecommunication industry, and corporate knowledge management. His research interests include image processing and its applications, knowledge representation and management, corporate learning, and e-Business. Dr. Ghatasheh, at present, is an assistant professor at the University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan, since 2011.

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