Friday 19th of April 2024

The Euphrates Cipher

Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma and Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen

In the present paper we give a complete description for the proposed new variant of AES cipher with high level of security and coherent algebraic aspects that is called the EUPHRATES cipher. The EUPHRATES name has been derived from one of the two famous rivers in Iraq. It is a revision of the TIGRIS cipher which we have already proposed before. It works with block size 128-bits and three variable key lengths 128-bits, 192-bits and 256-bits similar to the AES standard. The EUPHRATES cipher uses the Galois Field GF (28) as the mathematical representation and provides a good insight to the block cipher design.

Keywords: Block Cipher, Advance Encryption Standard (AES), Substitution and Permutation Network (SPN), Maximum Distance Separable (MDS), Feistel Structure (FS).

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Omar A. Dawood
Omer Abdulrahman Dawood was born in Habanyah, Anbar, Iraq (1986), now live in Ramadi, Anbar. He obtained B.Sc. (2008), M.Sc. (2011) in Computer Science from the College of Computer, Anbar University. He is teaching staff member in English Department in College of Education for humanities sciences, Anbar University, and now he is a Ph.D. student at the Technology University-Baghdad. His research interests Data and Network Security, Coding, Number Theory and Cryptography.

Abdul Monem S. Rahma
Prof. Abdul Monem S. Rahma Ph.D Awarded his M.Sc. from Brunel University and his Ph.D. from Loughborough University of technology United Kingdom in 1982, 1984 respectively. He taught at Baghdad university department of computer science and the Military Collage of Engineering, computer engineering department from 1986 till 2003. He fills the position of Dean Asst. of the scientific affairs and works as a professor at the University of Technology computer Science Department. He published 88 Papers, 4 Books in the field of computer science, supervised 28 Ph.D. and 57 M.Sc. students. His research interests include Computer graphics image processing, Biometrics and Computer Security. And he attended and submitted in many scientific global conferences in Iraq and many other countries. From 2013 to Jan. 2015 he fills the position of Dean of the computer Science Department at the University of Technology.

Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen
Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen is an Associate Professor of applied mathematics, Computer Science Department, University of Technology, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics. Abdul Hossen received the B. Sc. degree in mathematics from Mustansiriyah University, Iraq in1977, the M. Sc. degree in applied mathematics from Bagdad University, Iraq. in1980, the PH.D degree in applied mathematics from University of Technology, Iraq. In 2005. He is a member of the IEEE system, and Member of the editorial Journal.

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