Thursday 25th of April 2024

The Appliance Pervasive of Internet of Things in Healthcare Systems

Mir Sajjad Hussain Talpur

In fact, information systems are the foundation of new productivity sources, medical organizational forms, and erection of a global economy. IoT based healthcare systems play a significant role in ICT and have contribution in growth of medical information systems, which are underpinning of recent medical and economic development strategies. However, to take advantages of IoT, it is essential that medical enterprises and community should trust the IoT systems in terms of performance, security, privacy, reliability and return-on-investment, which are open challenges of current IoT systems. For heightening of healthcare system; tracking, tracing and monitoring of patients and medical objects are more essential. But due to the inadequate healthcare situation, medical environment, medical technologies and the unique requirements of some healthcare applications, the obtainable tools cannot meet them accurately. The tracking, tracing and monitoring of patients and healthcare actors activities in healthcare system are challenging research directions for IoT researchers. State-of-the-art IoT based healthcare system should be developed which ensure the safety of patients and other healthcare activities. With this manuscript, we elaborate the essential role of IoT in healthcare systems; immense prospects of Internet of things in healthcare systems; extensive aspect of the use of IoT is dissimilar among different healthcare components and finally the participation of IoT between the useful research and present realistic applications. IoT and few other modern technologies are still in underpinning stage; mainly in the healthcare system.

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); HealthCare Systems (HCS); Aspects; Quality; Regulations; Principles; Traceability; Tagging; Sensing.

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Mir Sajjad Hussain Talpur
Mir Sajjad Hussain Talpur received master`s degree in Information Technology from Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur mirs, Pakistan in 2003.He is currently a Doctoral Degree Candidate at the Trusted Computing Institute, School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan China. He is also a Lecturer at the Information Technology Institute, Sindh Agriculture University, Sindh Pakistan. His current research interests include Internet of Things in Healthcare System.

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