Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

Review of Predicting Number of Patients in the Queue in the Hospital using Monte Carlo Simulation

Judy Muthoni Gateri, Stephen Kimani and Joseph Wafula

Healthcare is essential to the general welfare of society. It provides for the prevention, treatment, and management of illness through the services offered by medical and allied health professions. Emergency Department crowding causes a series of negative effects, e.g. medical errors, poor patient treatment and general patient dissatisfaction. In light of these challenges, a need for review and reform of our healthcare practices has become apparent. One road to improve the typical clinical system is to describe the patient flow in a model of the system and how the system is constrained by available equipment. Various predictive control models have been developed to try and ease overcrowding in hospitals. Such models are the Model Predictive Control to control the queuing systems. In this study the research will compare the existing prediction models and come up with Monte Carlo Simulation model to predict the number of patients in the queue.

Keywords: Emergency Department, Prediction Model, Queuing System, Monte Carlo Simulation

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Judy Muthoni Gateri
Judy Gateri is a holder of BSc. Computer Information System (2012), Ongoing MSc. Software Engineering Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Worked at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and currently working at Kenyatta University. has the following academic qualifications is an ICT officer at Kenyatta University department of Computing and Information Technology. She was awarded certificate of Instructor Excellence Award by Cisco Networking Academy® program (2013).

Stephen Kimani
Dr. Stephen Kimani is the current director of the School of Computing and Information Technology of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya. He has previously been a researcher at CSIRO (Australia) and Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He has the following academic qualifications: BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science (JKUAT); MSc in Advanced Computing (University of Bristol, UK); PhD in Computer Engineering (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Joseph Wafula
Dr. Joseph Wafula is the current director of the Information Communication Technology of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya. He has the following academic qualifications: BSc in Science - Physics and Computer Science (Kenyatta University - Kenya); MSc in Physics (University of Nairobi, Kenya); PhD in Information Technology (JKUAT, Kenya)

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