Saturday 20th of April 2024

Resolution reasoning by RDF Clausal Form Logic

Alena Lukasova, Martin Zacek, Marek Vajgl and Martin Kotyrba

The article presents a simple way how knowledge represented via RDF triples provides an easier method of inference, managing and finding interrelations between knowledge objects than that an approach based on OWL language. The authors of the article come out of the T. Richards inference system of the Clausal Form Logic (CFL) based on the formal manipulation with conditional if-then statements, and an idea of RDF extended model (with quantifiers) of knowledge representation to propose an inference mechanism RDF RR working over knowledge bases of RDF triples.

Keywords: Clausal Form Logic, formal system, graph, Graph-based Clausal Form Logic, RDF model.

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Alena Lukasova
Alena Lukasova has been working as a professor at the Department of Informatics and Computers at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic). Her interests include theoretical principles of information and knowledge systems and tools of representation of semantically structured knowledge (database systems with knowledge bases components and their semantics), formal deduction in concept oriented languages, formal ontology for information systems, principles of ontology driven (based) information systems, and sharable knowledge patterns. She is author more than 50 scientific publications.

Martin Zacek
Martin Zacek graduated at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic). The focus of his dissertation is a formal deduction in graph knowledge representation systems. The PhD thesis includes four graph systems: semantic (associative) networks, conceptual graphs of Sowa, RDF model and Topic Maps. The topic of the PhD thesis corresponds to the content of this article. He is author more than 10 scientific publications. In 2010 he won award “Young Scientist” at the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology awarded by the International Fuzzy Systems Association Distinction for the presentation of article Reasoning in RDFgraphic formal system with quantifier.

Marek Vajgl
Marek Vajgl graduated at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and defended PhD. thesis with title “A proposal of tool for creating and updating knowledge bases for semantic web”. He has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Informatics and Computers, University of Ostrava. His interests include descriptive logic formalism which is frequently used as semantic web formalism. He is author more than 20 scientific publications.

Martin Kotyrba
Martin Kotyrba graduated at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic). The focus of his dissertation is Detection of structures with fractal dynamics. He is author more than 10 scientific publications.

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