Tuesday 16th of April 2024

QoS Safety Protocol Analysis in FHAMIPv6/MPLS/Diffserv Integration and Load Balancing Algorithm

Juan Pablo P. Bastidas, Bazil Taha Ahmed and Jesús Hamilton Ortiz

One of the most important aspects to consider in order to provide quality services in an ad hoc network is the security. In the integration FHAMIPv6 / MPLS / DiffServ and congestion algorithms, we analyses QoS but do not consider the QoS safety. The security issue is essential for not degrade QoS. This paper analyzes the most relevant aspects in security issue in the following protocols (FHAMIPv6, MPLS, Diffserv and Load balancing algorithm). These problems can degrade QoS in the integration. Detected security problems, we can avoid them. So, we can maintain the quality of service achieved in the integration FHMIPV6 / MPLS / Diffserv in Ad hoc networks. QoS safety protocol analysis will be presented below.

Keywords: Security, Protocolos, QoS, Ad Hoc, Integration, FHAMIPv6, MPLS, DIffserv, Load Balancing Algorithm

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Juan Pablo P. Bastidas
Was born in Nariño, Colombia, in 1987. He received his B.Sc degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Cauca, Popayan, Colombia in 2012. Currently he is doing his master studies in Electric and Computation Engineering in State University of Campinas, Brazil. His research interests include New Generation Networks, Systems Interoperability, Unmanned Air Vehicles and Mobile Networks.

Bazil Taha Ahmed
Was born in Mosul, Iraq, in 1960. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the university of Mosul, in 1982 and 1985, respectively. He got the D. E. A. and the Ph.D. degree both in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2001 and 2003 respectively. Now he is working as an Associate Professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. He has published more than 100 scientific journal and conference papers. His research interests include CDMA Capacity and Radio communication Systems Coexistence.

Jesús Hamilton Ortiz
Has bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering and DEA in Telecommunication Engineering, PhD in Computer Engineering. Actually, he obtained his PhD (c) in Telecommunication Engineering at the University Autonoma of Madrid Spain. He is reviewer and editor in several international journals and CEO in CLOSEMOBILE R&D. He is interested in the following topics: New Generation Networks, 4G, Routing Protocols, QoS, Sensor Networks, VANET, UAVs, AUVs, LBS, NFC, etc. He is assessor (in projects related to application in Telecommunications and mobile networks) and supervisor of bachelor and master degree thesis.

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