Tuesday 16th of April 2024

Proposal to Enhance AntNet Routing Algorithm by Exploiting Association Rules as Analysis Tool

Soukaena Hassan Hashem

This research introduces a proposal to enhance routing in internetworking depending on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The proposal concentrate on truth said: ACO itself is a metaheuristic, so when combined with an actual problem area, it can lead to several heuristics. This research presented AntNet, based on mobile agents, whose use is currently oriented towards packet switching networks, such as Internet, which inspired from ACO, implemented then obtained results are analyzed. Analysis done by applying Association Rules (AR) on proposed database which it is transactions are the tracked routes from AntNet network routing algorithms and it is attributes are the most critical attributes for network routing algorithms. The extracted rules will be analyzed, to build the proposed Modified AntNet (M- AntNet). M- AntNet improve an existing network routing technique in terms of speed of convergence when considering delay as the most important parameter for network convergence. In general the proposed modification demonstrates a method by which delay and network overhead can be significantly reduced without a higher loss rate or jitter. Experiments also indicate that the performance of the modified AntNet, M- AntNet, is significantly improved when paths are long or alternative paths are few. Furthermore, under normal state of network operation, i.e. when all nodes are actively engaged in sending/receiving information, the modified AntNet significantly reduces the overall end-to-end delay. With M- AntNet route optimization will not get stranded into local optima and always new and better paths are explored even if the network topologies get changed very frequently. Hence problem of stagnation is solved. Also include proposed mathematical equations, which guide to the optimal shortest path with efficient deal for congestion.

Keywords: ACO, ACS, Routing, AntNet, Delay, AR, congestion

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Soukaena Hassan Hashem
assistant professor doctor in computer sciences

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