Wednesday 24th of April 2024

Novel Fast Encryption Algorithms for Multimedia Transmission over Mobile WiMax Networks

M.A. Mohamed, F.W. Zaki and A.M. Elmohandes

Security support is mandatory for any communication networks. For wireless systems, security support is even more important to protect the users as well as the network. Since wireless medium is available to all, the attackers can easily access the network and the network becomes more vulnerable for the user and the network service provider. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax) is going to be an emerging wireless technology nowadays. With the increasing popularity of Broadband internet, wireless networking market is thriving. In the IEEE 802.16e, security has been considered as the main issue during the design of the protocol. However, security mechanism of WiMax still remains an open research field. WiMax is relatively a new technology not deployed widely to justify the evidence of threats, risk and vulnerability in real situations. In this paper, a research is described three proposed chaos encryption techniques for multimedia transmission over Mobile WiMax physical and MAC layers. At first a global overview of the technology WiMax is given followed by an explanation of traditional encryption techniques used in WiMax. Then the proposed encryption techniques are presented with its chaos systems. Next, these techniques will be applied to different multimedia contents to compare between them and traditional techniques such as AES, IDEA, Blowfish and DES.

Keywords: WiMax, MAC layer, PHY layer, Security and Encryption.

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M.A. Mohamed
Faculty of Engineering-Mansoura University-Mansoura-Egypt

F.W. Zaki
Faculty of Engineering-Mansoura University-Mansoura-Egypt

A.M. Elmohandes
Faculty of Engineering-Mansoura University-Mansoura-Egypt

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