Saturday 20th of April 2024

Multiple Pattern Matching Algorithm using Pair-count

Pattern matching occurs in various applications, ranging from simple text searching in word processors to identification of common motifs in DNA sequences in computational biology. The problem of exact pattern matching has been well studied and a number of efficient algorithms already exist. However these exact pattern matching algorithms are of little help when they are applied to finding patterns in DNA sequences. Pattern matching in a DNA sequence or pattern searching from a large data base is a major research area in computational biology. To extract pattern from a large sequence it takes more time, in order to reduce searching time we have proposed an approach that reduces the search time with accurate retrieval of the matched pattern from the given sequence of any size of a file. Executing patterns from a large DNA or protein data is a computationally intensive task. As performance plays a major role in extracting patterns from a given DNA sequence or from a large database independent of the size of the sequence. More efficient approaches related to multiple pattern matching techniques are becoming more important for finding the functional as well as the structural properties of the proteins and genes. One of the major problems in genomic field is to perform pattern comparison on DNA and protein sequences. In the current approach we explore a new technique which avoids unnecessary comparisons in the DNA sequence and gives the accurate retrieval of the pattern called a multiple pattern matching algorithm using pair count. The proposed technique gives very good performance related to DNA sequence analysis for querying of publicly available genome sequence data. By using this method the number of comparisons gradually decreases and comparison per character ratio of the proposed algorithm reduces accordingly when compared to the some of the existing popular methods. The experimental results show that there is considerable amount of performance improvement due to this the overall performance increases.

Keywords: Count, Index, Pair, Sequence

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