Thursday 18th of April 2024

Meta-data and Data Mart solutions for better understanding for data and information in E-government Monitoring

Mohammed Abdulameer Mohammed, Mohammed Anad, Anwar Mzher and Ahmed Hasson

E-Government Monitor (eGovMon) is used to ensure the new online services for e-government (eGov). To effectively address the real needs of the citizens, businesses and governmental agencies. A system to monitor this development can give a better understanding of how to build good online service for citizens and enterprises. Moreover eGovMon is used many tools to help to enhance the quality of public web sites. Thus it needs better understand for e-governments data and information with quick respond for their queries. But still there are more issues such as distributed data, structure data and design data. However, Meta Data in data warehouse (DW) uses to explain the data from itself because of that it called data about data. This paper proposes data warehouse eGovMon architecture to get better realize of data by using data warehouse techniques and business intelligence (BI) tools such as ETL, DBMS, OLAP, DM and OLAM. eGovMon with BI tools make the information more understandable with good quality of data to improve the performance for e-government service system. Also metadata technique and data mart small storages technique are structured and distributed e-government information properly.

Keywords: E-government, eGovMon, Data warehouse, Data warehouse, ETL, DBMS, Metadata, Data mart and OLAP, DM and OLAM.

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Mohammed Abdulameer Mohammed

Mohammed Anad
faculty of education of pure scienses Thi-Qar University

Anwar Mzher
Foundation of Technical Education (FTE) Nasiriyah, Iraq

Ahmed Hasson

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