Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

Measuring Software Functionality Using Function Point Method Based On Design Documentation

Anie Rose Irawati and Khabib Mustofa

Estimated value of software as agreed by the end user and the developer team should be expressed in a certain magnitude, one of which is the measure of functionality. Function Point (FP) Method is one of the methods used to obtain the size of the functionality and can be used to estimate cost, duration, and amount of resources required by a software project. However, Function Point measurement is not simple and requires expertise in software analysis. Furthermore, the results of the calculation are considered valid if it is verified by someone with International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) certification. This research aims at designing and implementing a system that makes users convenient in analyzing software functionality size based on FP method referring to IFPUG CPM 4.3.1 standards. The system helps users to perform FP analysis in a faster and easier way without sacrificing accuracy. The input for the system is XMI document resulting from software design documentation derived from UML documents. The study also reveals that the more complete UML documents of the software in the project, the more accurate the FP calculation results obtained.

Keywords: Software measurement, UML, Function Point, software design documentation

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Anie Rose Irawati
an active lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, University of Lampung, Indonesia since 2006. She receives her Master degree in Computer Science from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia in 2011.

Khabib Mustofa
an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. He obtained his doctorate degree in Computer Science from The Institute for Software Engineering and Interactive System, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.

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