Friday 19th of April 2024

Load aware Congestion Detection Technique in Internet

Ajay Shankar Singh, E G Rajan and Manish Prateek

The Internet includes various ranges of applications such as multimedia, voice and data but it endures rigorous network congestion. Further, congestion detection is an essential preventive measure must be taken to provide congestion-free Internet. To stipulate proficient technique for congestion detection, in this paper, we propose a load aware congestion detection technique in the Internet. To be aware of congestion in the network, the router estimates the traffic load based on average packet arrival rate and queue occupancy rate. By comparing traffic load with threshold values, congestion notification bit is marked in packets. Before transmitting congestion information to the source, the router differentiates dedicated and shared link by means of link correlation factor. For dedicated link, congestion information is directed only to the corresponding source. Just in case of shared link, congestion information is transmitted to all sources along that link. We show the performance of our technique through simulation results. Our technique efficiently detects and prevents the congestion in the Internet.

Keywords: Congestion Detection, Congestion Control, Internet Congestion, Congestion Avoidance, Natural Logic, Fuzzy Logic

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Ajay Shankar Singh
Ajay Shankar Singh has done his B. Tech and M. Tech degree in the field of Computer Science & Engineering from Kursk State Technical University, Russia, in 1997. His current areas of research are Congestion Control in High Speed Networks and Data Communications. His specializations include Bluetooth network ,Internet Technology , computer Networks, Cloud Computing & Visualization , Storage Technology, High Performance Computing & Availability and Open Source software

E G Rajan
Prof. Dr. E. G. Rajan is the Founder President of the Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India. He is an Electronics Engineer and a Professor of Signal Processing having about 36 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. He received his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering, (Signal and Image Processing), from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, U.P. He received Distinguished Scientist and Man of the Millennium Award from . Who is Who Bibliographical Records, Cambridge, 2000.He is the father of a novel paradigm Symbolic Computing In the Framework of Markov’s Constructive Mathematical Logic. He has brought out more than 25 original concepts.

Manish Prateek
Dr. Manish Prateek is working as Professor and Head, Department of CSE at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun , India. He has done his B. Tech and M. Tech degree in the field of Computer Science from Kursk State Technical University, Russia, in 1996. He has also worked in the IT industry for 8years at different levels. He did his Ph. D from L. N. Mithila University, in the area of Manufacturing and Robotics. He is also recipient of the award “Distinguished Academician” for his achievements in Academics and Research& Development, in the year 2010.

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