Saturday 20th of April 2024

Iris Detection and Normalization in Image Domain Based on Morphological Features

Mohamed A. Mohamed, Mohy Eldin A. Abou-El-Soud and Marwa M. Eid

The interface of computer technologies and biology is having a huge impact on society. Human recognition research projects promises new life to many security-consulting. Iris recognition is considered to be the most reliable biometric authentication system. Very few iris recognition algorithms were commercialized. We implemented a system that process two different kinds of iris databases: CASIA and UPOL. The first is grayscale data; noise free of reflections but containing obstructions; e.g. eyelids and eyelashes. While the second is RGB data; noise free of obstructions; because it is segmented, but it contains reflections. The circular iris and pupil of the eye image were segmented using Morphological operators and Hough transform. The localized iris region was then normalized into a rectangular block to account for imaging inconsistencies. This method provides accurate features as well as accurate signature of the human iris in a simple and fast way.

Keywords: Pupil Detection, Eyelids Detection, Iris Normalization, and Hough Transform

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Mohamed A. Mohamed
received the PhD degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering-Mansoura University-Egypt by 2006. After that he worked as an assistant professor at the electronics & communications engineering department until now. He has more than 27 publications in various international journals and conferences. His current research interests are in multimedia processing, wireless communication systems, and field programmable gate array (FPGA) applications

Mohy Eldin A. Abou-El-Soud
Professor in Electronics and Communications from 1996 till now, received the PhD degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering by 1983. After that he worked as an assistant professor at the electronics & communications engineering department until now. He has publications in various international journals and conferences. His current research interests are in multimedia processing, wireless communication systems, and field programmable gate array (FPGA) applications

Marwa M. Eid
received M.Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering-Mansoura University-Egypt by 2011. Currently he is pursuing her PHD Degree in Mansoura University-Egypt. She worked as a assistant lecturer at the electronics & communications engineering department until now.

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