Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

Image Compression using Haar wavelet Transform and Chaos-based Encryption


With the increasing growth of technology and the world has entered into the digital image, we have to handle a vast amount of information every time which often presents difficulties. So, the digital information must be stored and retrieved in an efficient and effective manner, in order for it to be put to practical use. Wavelets provide a mathematical way of encoding information in such a way that it is layered according to level of detail. This layering facilitates approximations at various stages. These approximations can be stored in less memory space than the original data. Here the 2D image is being compressed using Haar wavelet transform and the quality of the picture is presented here. After the compression the image is Encrypted using chaotic logistic map and an external secret key of 256-bit.The initial conditions for the chaotic logistic map are derived using external secret key by providing weighted to its bits corresponding to their position in the key. The quality of the image is evaluated by showing the table and graph of compression factor. While the various experimental results show that the proposed chaos based encryption provides high security level.

Keywords: Haar Wavelet, Chaos, Chaotic Logistic Map, Cipher

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Ranu Gupta has done B.Tech. , MBA (HRA), M.Tech. and pursuing Ph.D. Presently working as Assistant Professor in JUET, Guna (M.P), India. Is a member of Indian Science Congress

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