Thursday 25th of April 2024

Graphical Approach to the Learning of Inter-conversion of Various Number Systems

The number is a symbol or a word used to represent a numeral, while a system is a functionally related group of elements, so as whole, a number is set/group of symbols to represent numbers/numerals. In other words, any system that is used for naming or representing numbers is a number system, also known as numeral system. Almost everyone is familiar with decimal number system using ten digits. However digital devices and computers use binary number system instead of decimal number system, having only two digits i.e. 0 and 1. Binary number system is based on the same fundamental concept of decimal number system. Various other number systems also use the same fundamental concept of decimal number system, e.g. octal number system (using eight digits) and hexadecimal number systems (using sixteen digits). The knowledge of number systems, their limitations, data formats, arithmetic, inter conversion and other related terms is essential for understanding of computers and successful programming for digital devices. Understanding all these number systems and particularly their inter conversion (such process in which things are each converted into the other) of number system requires allot of time and a large number of techniques to expertise. In this particular paper the intercom version of four well-known number systems is taken under the consideration in tabulated as well as graphical form. It is simply a shorthand to the inter conversion of these number systems to understand as well as memorise it. The well-known number systems to be discussed are binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.

Keywords: Computers, Binary, octal, hexadecimal, bases or radix, inter conversion

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