Wednesday 24th of April 2024

GBAS: Generalized Bandwidth Adaptation System for Enhancing Multimedia Transmission Over Multi-Cell Wireless Networks

Omar Said

Nowadays, multimedia Quality of Services (QoS) is considered a very important research issue. In cellular infrastructure wireless networks, a user can move from one cell to another. Hence; a large number of handoff events may occur during a typical session. In case of running multimedia applications with a limited bandwidth, new, handoff, and waiting calls may be dropped. This paper proposes enhancements for the Generalized Bandwidth Adaptation System which is used for multimedia transmission over multi-cell wireless networks and demonstrated by the author in a previous work. Our proposed extended system monitors the multimedia sessions to create the new bandwidth values in case of significant changes or calls starvation. The enhancement criteria are done over three interlocutors. The first one is to add some new features such as distance between cells, waiting calls, starved calls bandwidth considerations and call prioritization technique. The second one is to recover some drawbacks such as huge number of management messages. The third one is to make some old issues more scalable such as normal degree division to be multi-values and starting with minimum degree bandwidth. Also, statistical analysis for the enhanced version is demonstrated. Furthermore, a simulation environment to test our proposed system is constructed. Finally, comparing these results with the old trials results is demonstrated to make sure that our proposed system enhances other old trials.

Keywords: Cellular Wireless Networks; Adaptive Bandwidth, Multimedia Communication; Mobile Communication.

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Omar Said
Omar Said received his BSC degree in Computer Science from Menoufia University, Egypt in 1997; MS.C from Menoufia University, Egypt in 2002; Ph.D. degree from Menoufia University, Egypt in 2005. He is currently an assistant professor in Information Technology department, College of Computers and Information Technology, at Taif University, KSA. His research interests include Networking, Multimedia Communication, and Internetwork Protocols.

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