Saturday 20th of April 2024

Fuzzy Based Detection and Prediction of DDOS Attacks in IEEE 802.15.4 Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network

C Balarengadurai and S Saraswathi

Detection and Prediction mechanism against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is a critical component of any security system in which, these attacks can affect the availability of a node or an entire network. In this work, we focus the detection and prediction mechanism against DDoS attacks in IEEE 802.15.4 using Fuzzy logic system. The main contribution of Fuzzy based detection and prediction system (FBDPS) is to detect the DDoS attackers by comparing the energy consumption of sensor nodes. The nodes with abnormal energy consumptions are identified as malicious attacker. Furthermore, FBDPS is designed to distinguish the types of DDoS attack according to the energy consumption rate of the malicious nodes. By stimulation results, we finalized potential areas in DDoS attacks and provide evidence of effectiveness for detection and prediction of DDoS attacks with improved detection rate.

Keywords: DDoS; Detection; FBDPS; IEEE 802.15.4; MAC Layer; Prediction; Security

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C Balarengadurai
Mr. C. Balarengadurai received his B.Tech in Information Technology from Anna University Chennai, M.Tech in Information Technology from Sathyabama University Chennai and pursing his Ph.D in Manonmaniam Sundarnar University Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu. He is working as Associate professor in Computer Science & Engineering at Aurora’s Engineering College, Bhongir. His area of interest includes Computer Networks, Compiler Design, and Artificial Intelligence and Wireless Networks. He is a life member of ISTE, IE, and member of IEEE and CSI.

S Saraswathi
Dr. S Saraswathi received her B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Pondicherry University, Puducherry and Ph.D in Speech Processing form Anna University Chennai., She is working as professor in Information Technology Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry. Her research area includes Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence and Wireless Networks. She published 36 papers in national and International Conference, 30 papers in various Journals like IEEE, Springer, ACM, Elsevier and etc. She is a member of IEEE, CSI, ISTE and IE.

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