Friday 19th of April 2024

Facial Expression Recognition based on Affine Moment Invariants

Renuka R. Londhe and Vrushsen P. Pawar

Facial Expression Recognition is rapidly becoming area of interest in computer science and human computer interaction because the most expressive way of displaying the emotions by human is through the facial expressions. In this paper, recognition of facial expression is studied with the help of several properties associated with the face itself. As facial expression changes, the curvatures on the face and properties of the objects such as, eyebrows, nose, lips and mouth area changes. We have used Affine Moment Invariants to compute these changes and computed results (changes) are recorded as feature vectors. We have introduced a method for facial expression recognition using Affine Moment Invariants as features. We have used Artificial Neural Network as a classification tool and we developed associated scheme. The Generalized Feed-forward Neural Network recognizes six universal expressions i.e. anger, disgust, fear, happy, sad, and surprise as well as seventh one neutral. The Neural Network trained and tested by using Scaled Conjugate Gradient Backpropogation Algorithm. As a result we got 93.8% classification rate.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Facial Expressions, Affine Moment Invariants, Human computer Interaction

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Renuka R. Londhe
Renuka R. Londhe received the M.C.S. degree from SRTM University, Nanded in the year 2004. She received the M. Phil. Degree in Computer Science from Y.C.M.O. University, Nashik in the year 2009. She is currently working as lecturer in the College of Computer Science and information Technology, Latur, Maharashtra. She is leading to PhD degree in S. R. T. M. University, Nanded.

Vrushsen P. Pawar
Vrushsen P. Pawar received MS, Ph.D. (Computer) Degree from Dept. CS & IT, Dr. B. A M. University & PDF from ES, University of Cambridge, UK also received MCA (SMU), MBA (VMU) degrees respectively. He has received prestigious fellowship from DST, UGRF (UGC), Sakal foundation, ES London, ABC (USA) etc. He has published 100 and more research papers in reputed national international Journals & conferences. He has recognized Ph. D. Guide from University of Pune, SRTM University & Sighaniya University (India). He is senior IEEE member and other reputed society member. He is currently working as an Associate Professor at School of computational studies of SRTM University, Nanded.

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