Thursday 25th of April 2024

EQNM2L: Towards a Metamodel for Extended Queuing Networks

Abdelhabib Bourouis and Brahim Belattar

Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting phenomena that allows several performance measures derivation and calculation. Furthermore, queueing systems could be simulated, especially in case of complex models including non-classical concepts. The theory has been applied successfully in diverse fields and the development of a Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSML) for extended queueing systems seems to be a necessity and of great interest. This paper focuses on the cornerstone of this process by providing a minimal but clear and extensible metamodel called EQNM2L. Our aim is to induce discussion on and contributions for elaborating a whole mature DSML. The proposed metamodel and the XML-based exchange format are the first step in enhancing interoperability between analytical solvers and simulation tools. Based on the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approach principles and tools, modeling environments and simulation/analytical code are generated automatically and could be maintained easily.

Keywords: Extended Queueing Systems, Metamodeling, Domain Specific Modeling Language, Discrete Event Simulation, Interoperability.

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Abdelhabib Bourouis
Abdelhabib BOUROUIS received his BS degree in Computer science from the University of Constantine (Algeria) in 1999, his MS degree and Ph.D. degree respectively in 2003 and 2011 both from the University of Batna (Algeria). He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Oum El Bouaghi (Algeria) since 2003. His research interests include Artificial intelligence, Model Driven Engineering, performance evaluation, parallel and distributed simulation.

Brahim Belattar
Brahim BELATTAR received his BS degree in Computer science from the University of Constantine (Algeria) in 1981 and his MS and PhD degrees from the University Claude Bernard of Lyon (French) respectively in 1986 and 1991. He is an Associate professor at the University of Batna since 1992. He has also taught at the University of Constantine from 1982 to 1985. His research interests include simulation, databases, semantic web, Model Driven Engineering and Artificial intelligence.

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