Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

Designing an adaptive hypermedia system based on the use of psycho pedagogical criteria

This article discusses the theory of psycho-educational criteria of the learner as a means of hypermedia educational system adaptation. To measure learning preferences, several adaptive systems take into account individual differences particularly, the "learning style" and "style of thought". These concepts refer to a set of pipes and strategies on how to manage and organize information. However, there is still several challenges to deal with such as those related to the identification of the used styles and their specification. In our approach, we measure the performance of a learner with regard to the learning objectives while integrating the characteristics of the model proposed by Felder to describe the learning style of the learner. Moreover, we use the features defined by the HBDI model to infer the style of thought of the learner. We consider that the content and teaching strategy proposed match the learner's style when its performance factor is satisfactory. Otherwise, the course design is to be adapted based on the tracks and paths of the learner.

Keywords: Hypermedia, Adaptation, Felder, HBDI, Certainty factor, Trace

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