Thursday 25th of April 2024

Constructing Sierpinski Gasket Using GPUs Arrays

Amira Sallow and Dhuha Albazaz

A fractal is a mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns, which means it is the same from near as from far. Fractals may be exactly the same at every scale, they may be nearly the same at different scales. The concept of fractal extends beyond trivial self-similarity and includes the idea of a detailed pattern repeating itself. The algorithms to constructing different fractal shapes in many cases typically involve large amounts of floating point computation, to which modern GPUs are well suited. In this paper we will construct Sierpinski Gasket using GPUs arrays.

Keywords: fractal, Sierpinski gasket, self-similar, GPU

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Amira Sallow
is Lecturer in the Department of computer science in Computer and I.T. College at Nawroz University. She received her PhD degree in computer sciences in 2013 in the speciality of distributed real time system and operating system. She also leads and teaches modules at both BSc and MSc levels in computer science.

Dhuha Albazaz
is the head of Computer Sciences Department, College of Computers and Mathematics, University of Mosul. She received her PhD degree in computer sciences in 2004 in the speciality of computer architecture and operating system. She supervised many Master degree students in operating system, computer architecture, dataflow machines, mobile computing, realtime, and distributed databases. She has three PhD students in FPGA field, distributed real time systems, and Linux clustering. She also leads and teaches modules at BSc, MSc, and PhD levels in computer science. Also, she teaches many subjects for PhD and master students.

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