Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

Comparison Based Analysis of Different Cryptographic and Encryption Techniques Using Message Authentication Code (MAC) in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

Sadaqat Ur Rehman, Muhammad Bilal, Basharat Ahmad, Khawaja Muhammad Yahya, Anees Ullah and Obaid Ur Rehman

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are becoming popular day by day, however one of the main issue in WSN is its limited resources. We have to look to the resources to create Message Authentication Code (MAC) and need to choose a technique which is feasible for sensor networks. This research work investigates different cryptographic techniques such as symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography, furthermore it compares different encryption techniques such as stream cipher (RC4), block cipher (RC2, RC5, RC6 etc) and hashing techniques (MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA1 etc). The result of our work provides efficient techniques for communicator, by selecting different comparison matrices i.e. energy consumption, processing time, memory and expenses that satisfies both the security and restricted resources in WSN environment to create MAC

Keywords: MAC, WSN, parameter, cryptographic techniques, stream cipher, block cipher, hashing techniques.

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Sadaqat Ur Rehman
Sadaqat ur Rehman has done his B.S (HONs) degree program in Computer Systems engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. His areas of interest are Wireless Sensor Networks,Artificial Intelligence and Micro-controllers.

Muhammad Bilal
Muhammad Bilal has done his B.S (HONs) degree program in Computer Systems engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. His areas of interest are Wireless Sensor Networks, Digital Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence.

Basharat Ahmad
Basharat Ahmad has done his B.S (HONs) degree program in Computer Systems engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. His areas of interest are Wireless Sensor Networks, Microcontrollers and Database Management Systems.

Khawaja Muhammad Yahya
He has completed his M.S degree in Computer Engineering from University of Missouri-Rolla, USA in 1987. He completed Ph. D in Information Management Systems / Decision Support Systems from University of Missouri-Rolla, USA in 1995. Currently he is a chairman of Department of Computer System Engineering University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar.

Anees Ullah
He has completed his B.S (HONs) degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. Currently he is pursuing M.S degree from the same University. His areas of interest are FPGA’s and Artificial Intelligence.

Obaid Ur Rehman
He has done in BS (HONs) degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. MS degree in Computing from University of LiverPool uk. Currently he is serving Sarhad University of Sciences and Information Technology Peshawar as Assistant Professor

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