Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

Blood Vessel Segmentation For High Resolution Retinal Images

J. Benadict Raja and C. G. Ravichandran

Segmentation of blood vessels in retinal images used for the early diagnosis of retinal diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and glaucoma. The high resolution, variability in vessel width, brightness and low contrast make vessel segmentation as difficult task. There exist several methods for segmenting blood vessels from retinal images. However, most of these methods fail to segment high resolution (large in size) images, very few methods provide solution for such a high resolution images but it require lengthy elapsed time and the accuracy of these methods is not completely satisfactory. Parallel method have emerged to overcome these limitations by offering parallel environment and parallel algorithm to segment such an high resolution images in an acceptable time. The planned research enhances the speed and accuracy of segmentation for high resolution retinal images by involving a new data partition scheme and suitable segmentation algorithm for parallel environment.

Keywords: High resolution, Blood vessel segmentation, Elapsed time, Parallel environment, Parallel algorithm

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J. Benadict Raja
J.Benadict Raja received the M.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Anna University, Chennai,India in 2008. Since 2011 he has been pursuing the Ph.D. degree student at the Anna University of Technology Madurai, India. His current research interests include Medical Image Processing, Parallel programming and Parallel Architecture.

C. G. Ravichandran
C.G.Ravichandran received the Ph.D degree in Medical Image Processing from Anna University, Chennai in 2009.Currently he is a Principal of RVS College of Engineering and Technology Dindigul,Tamilnadu,India. His research interests include image segmentation, medical image processing, network architecture, distributed systems and web services.

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