Thursday 25th of April 2024

Arabic Roots Extraction Using Morphological Analysis

Aymen Abu-Errub, Ashraf Odeh, Qusai Shambour and Osama Al-Haj Hassan

The Arabic language is characterized by its rich and complex morphology based on root-pattern schemes. Root extraction is one of the most important topics in the context of natural language processing applications such as information retrieval, text processing, machine translation, speech tagging, etc. This paper presents a method to extract the trilateral roots of Arabic words, acting from the roots of three consonants, through the removal of the prefixes and the suffixes, and the use of a list of morphological weights. Experimental results based on a list of eleven different root inflections shows the effectiveness of the proposed method with a success rate of 94%.

Keywords: Arabic language, root extraction, stemming, morphological analysis.

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Aymen Abu-Errub
Aymen Abu-Errub is an Assistant Professor in Faculty of Information Technology in Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan in Computer Information Systems department and then in Networks and Information Security departmentreceived. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Information Systems from the Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Jordan, in 2009. He has published journal papers in information retrieval, information and networks security, and in risk management fields. He also participated and published his researches in scientific conferences.

Ashraf Odeh
Ashraf A. Odeh is an Assistant Professor in Computer Information System at Isra University-Jordan. He received a BSc degree in Computer Science in 1995 and MSc degree in Information Technology in 2003. With a Thesis titled "Visual Database Administration Techniques", He received PhD from department of Computer Information System in 2009 with a Thesis titled "Robust Watermarking of Relational Database Systems". He is interested in image processing, Watermarking, Relational Database, E-copyright protection, E-learning and E-content. He has submitted a number of conference papers and journals. Also he has participated in a number of conferences and IT days.

Qusai Shambour
Qusai Shambour is an Assistance Professor in the department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan. He received his PhD from University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia in 2012. His main research interests lie in the area of information retrieval, web personalization, recommender systems and e-Government and e-Service intelligence. He has published 15 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.

Osama Al-Haj Hassan
Osama Al-Haj Hassan obtained his BS in Computer Science from Princess Sumayya University for Technology (PSUT). He also received his MS in Computer Science from New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from University of Georgia (UGA). Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at Isra University in Jordan. His research interests are in distributed systems, web services, Web 2.0, caching and replication techniques, peer-to-peer networks and event based systems.

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