Thursday 25th of April 2024

A New Robust Cryptography Algorithm based on Symmetric Key to prevent Unauthorized Access to Contents of Encrypted Files

Mohammad Soltani

Cryptography has specific role to protect secret file from unauthorized access. Cryptography algorithms are classified in to two types, Symmetric-key producing and Public-key producing algorithms. In this paper, suggested a new cryptography algorithm to increase security in the Symmetric-key producing algorithm. The main features of cryptography algorithm defined in this article are Changing the physical structure of the secret file, no limitation for the number of keys, The ability to encrypt the secret file in successive stages, Creating five keys at each stage of cryptography, storing a part of secret file at one of the keys at each stage of cryptography, Interdependence of all keys in all stages of encrypting and decrypting, To make the keys interdependent and to encrypt the secret file by each of them, there are 3 independent algorithms to select the type of algorithm needed to make the keys interdependent by the user, bigger changes in the physical structure of the encrypted file In case of wrong decryption and to make the resulting keys and encrypted file unique after the cryptography process.

Keywords: Secret file, Cryptography algorithm, Symmetric key, Combining keys, Keys interdependent, Logical operation, Security

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Mohammad Soltani
Mohammad Soltani was born in Kerman, Iran in May 1991. He is currently pursuing his B.S. degree in the department of computer engineering at Shahid Bahonar University. His research interests include image processing, cryptography and modern physics. He was announced as the top young researcher in Mahani Scientific Festival based on his scientific curriculum vitae (CV) and articles. He was also accepted as a young scientific scholar in the ministry of science, research and technology in Iran. In addition, he managed to make his way to Khrazami Young Festival (Khwarizmi international award) owing to the results of his scientific studies.

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