Wednesday 24th of April 2024

A Metric Based Approach to Extract, Store and Deploy Software Reusable Components Effectively

Muhammad Ilyas, Mubashir Abbas and Khansa Saleem

Software reusability is a valuable methodology for quality, economical and timely software development. The effective use of reusability gives benefits in the form of less time, efforts and cost for quality software development. Reusability also helps to diminish the risk associated with software development and success. Due to inevitable payback, reusability has grown up to be most accepted practice for software development. But reusability handling methods and techniques are not well organized, so need is to formalize the reusability process in order to get its actual benefits in form of time, cost and effort savings. Formal and structured approach is required in reusability practices because reusability observation, extraction, classification and deployment methods are not disciplined. In this paper a framework is suggested to make reusability process formal and organized. In this approach quality earning criteria are defined at each level of reusability process to observe the need of reusability, extracting reusable components, classifying them and then integrating with new systems efficiently. The aim is to formalize each activity of reusability process to get satisfactory and quality results.

Keywords: Software Component Assessment, Software Reusability, Software Risk, Reusability Process.

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Muhammad Ilyas
He received a Master degree in Software Project Management in 2004 from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore and a Doctor of Informatics from Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria in 2010. His research interests include Software Engineering,Design Pattern and knowledge base systems. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Sargodha, Pakistan.

Mubashir Abbas
He is a student of the Master of Science in Computer Sciences at the University of Sargodha. He has already completed his BS 4 year degree in computer sciences. His research interests include Software Engineering, Software Reusability and other topics.

Khansa Saleem
She is a student of the Master of Science in Computer Sciences at the University of Sargodha. Her research interests include Software Engineering, Semantic searches and other topics.

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